After the initial set-up, One Beta Food Pellet was added to the aquarium on Friday, October 21, 2011. Pellet details: "Atison's Betta Food" made by Ocean Nutrition, Aqua Pet Americas, 3528 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT, 84104. The ingredients are: fish meal, wheat flour, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins, and preservatives. The analysis is: crude protein 36%; crude fat 4.5; crude fiber 3.5%; moisture 8%; and ash 15%.
At this observation, I see most, if not all of the organisms previously identified, but also some new organisms. The number of organisms has increased dramatically, in part because of the addition of the food pellet.
Near the soil, I count at least four of the same Paramecium species, larger than most of the other organisms (Microscopy-UK 1995-2011). These organisms are easy to identify because of the fold present. Today, the most notable organism is a flagellate with an anterior flagella pulling it along and an interesting top shaped area. With Dr. McFarland's help and much searching through the textbooks in the lab, we decide that the organism is a Peranema (Patterson 51) with either attached debris or an attached amoeba. Previously, I identified the organism as Notosolenus-like, but the flagella movement helped more closely identify it.
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